My 3 coloured macaron. :p
Ehem... been a very2 long time. Actually, my macbook is still with no photoshop. That's why I'm still in 'silent' mode. Tade ceta menarik yang tak perlu letak gambar. Hm... However, suddenly Rima came out with a competition which competitors need to blog about macarons!! yes, macs in short. So peeps, here are my macs entry yang dah berkurun nak update tak update2 gak. But I'll show photos, and kasik line below aje. Aci tak?
ok... i know white balance off!! pfft!! *ape da camerawoman ini macam*. Anyhoo... this is macs bought from sis Yanie!! yummy!! love it!!
This is the priciest macs i ever bought. It's Godiva's. RM15 for 2pcs. Tastewise, niceee..... tp jd kurang nice bila fikir balik harga. kwang3. well, good things are always expensive aite?
This one I bought from Kak Nomie. Very cute, colourful and yummy too. And masa beli ni ade promotion, so, I got it quite cheap!!

This is Rima's. Bought from her and met her for the first time buying this lah. hehehehe. Ampun ye Rima, I do took photos of everything in the box, tp tak jumpa lah mana gambar nye. Aduh. But I think this one is enough to show how yummy it was. burpp...

my first mac attempt yang keluar feet!! (kalau nk kire yang xde feet sekali, 3rd attempt kot). hepi loncat2 even kaki nye cacat gtu..

yang penting rasanye syiok!!! *matilah perasan*

time ni dah pandai buat. *KOG sile jeles. hehehe*. This is one of the many successful attempts. I ikut resepi sis Yani. Thanks sis!!! Mmg from then I guna your resepi aja!!

bila dah pandai syiok pulak nak buat ada pattern2 kat atas. hehe. Pardon my pintu oven yang ya ampun kotornye. tu semua keje my sis yang masak ape ntah, and stain tu belah dalam gelas n xleh nk clean. gRrrRrr...

once in a while, mesti kena mac disaster mcm ni... -_-"

Babycakes Macarons @ G Hotel. Sedap!! Seriously. Rasa nak beli lagi. *pst: Rima, this is the one i cerita kat u that day*

Dan gambar penutup, dessert waktu kenduri kahwin my good fren, Pam n KC. very delish!! The cuppies, the red velvet, and the macs!! Rasa mcm sis Yani punya macs.
Ok... itu sajalah gambar2 macs yang ada. Yang lain2 tatau mana hilang. Happy weekend peeps!! :)