Totally unedited. Credit to Amru.
Exiff data:
Camera: | Nikon D80 |
Exposure: | 0.001 sec (1/1000) |
Aperture: | f/1.4 |
Focal Length: | 30 mm |
ISO Speed: | 200 |
I lurve this lens. It's a prime lens. and the image quality is undeniable. Wider then the famous prime 50mm. Boleh baca review tentang lens ni di sini.
This is a Nikon lens la, but for Canonian, according to KenRockwell.com
"If you shoot Canon, forget this Sigma and get the superior Canon 28mm f/1.8 EF for less money."
Ok, kalo tgk kat Shashinki, a brand new Sigma 30mm f1.4 cost u RM1,895, while Canon 28mm f1.8 EF USM cost u RM1,850. Lebey kurang je hargenye. Tapi ikut kemampuan aku, bley la amik Canon 28mm f2.8 berharga RM885.
Phew, bercerita tentang lens ni boleh buat ati sakit juga kadang2, bukan sbb ape, sakit ati sbb tak dpt nak beli. For me, investing in a good lens is better dari investing in a good body. But the best investment is of course to invest in both good body and lens la. Tapi aku sedang piker nk upgrade body, nak cari yang focus point nye byk sket. Mcm 450D atau 50D ade 9, senang sket nk buat RO3 kalau pakai prime 50mm. But i wonder, for D40 user, ade 3 je kan? cane korang carik accuracy sharpness tu eh? Aku kurang ariff byk bab Nikon ni.
Sudah la cerita pasal kamera. Esok aku nk g Taiping, tp gile banyaaaaaaaaaak benda blom setel. Takpela, harap2 esok kalo aku tdo je dlm kete sepanjang perjalanan Mr Driver tak marah. Hehehehe.~*
*blog dan online akan berhenti berehat sehingga hari Ahad. Nope, aku tak bawak Marc skali, kasi tinggal kt rumah. Kalo ade mane2 tempat yang boleh lyn wifi, aku maybe online gune PSP.
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