This linky love trail rules: When you got tagged…you have to add your name to people who had done the tag and and let the list grow!
Those Who Dunnit
Farah (me)
Bani gundu
Najmy <3<3<3..haha
hana ni mo nai
REEN @ Heartless BabyDevillish @ AlisSara
First Name - Siti
Nickname - siti, kotak, zya, sitek, rahmah
Name you wish you had - takde kot
What do people normally mistake your name as - rahmat la, rahimah, rahman
Birthday - 19 September 1982
Birthplace - rumah, Klang
Parents together or divorced - together
Get along with them - oh yesh
Single or taken - single but not available
Zodiac sign - virgo
Your Appearance-
How tall are you - 150cm *owh fendeksnyer*
Wish you were taller - used to
Eye color - dark brown
Eye color you want - brown
Natural Hair color - black
Current Hair color - black
hort or long hair - long. quite long la
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - never
Curly,Straight,Wavy - wavy
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - never do anything dramatic to my hair before
Glasses or contacts - glasses and kadang2 je contact lens.
Do you wear make-up - depends
Ever had hair extensions - nope
Paint your nails - used to
In the opposite gender-
What color eyes - brown
What color hair - black
Shy or Outgoing - outgoing
Looks or personality - personality
Sexy or Cute - cute. hehehehehe
Serious or Fun - sesuai dengan keadaan n masa
Older or Younger than you - older please, and more matured
A turn on - berpengetahuan luas and open.
A turn off - pengotor, slebet *comot tu lain lagik, comot sket2 la.. tp kalo dah comot sgt, erm..*
This or that-
Flowers or Chocolate - flowers *coklat bley beli sendiri, rase ok jek. tp flower beli sendiri.. hmm*
Pepsi or Coke - vanilla coke
Rap or Rock - rock.
Relationship or One night stand - relationship
School or Work - school.. but skrg mcm lg suke kerja je..
Love or Money - money, n love
Movies or Music - movies. not into music sgt. Preferred performance much, theater ke, poetry slam ke.. centu la
Country or City - city
Sunny or Rainy days - rainy..
Friends or Family - family first
Have you ever-Lied - tipu kalau tak
Stole something - kecik2 la.. tp tak ingat dah
Smoked - never
Hurt someone close to you - unluckily yes
Broke someones heart - yerp
Had you heart broken - yerp. au passe
Wondered what was wrong with you - not really
wish you were a prince/princess - nope. never wish like that. org kaye adelah, tp setakat tu je
Liked someone - yes.
Liked someone who was taken - used to
Shaved your head - mase baby. hahaha..
Been in love - yes, and am
Used chopsticks - yes. i love japanese food
Sang in the mirror to yourself - very rare
Flower - rose
Candy - candy coated kisses
Song - my all time fav is Heaven Knows by Rick Price
scent - a few.. Givenchy's, Guess', mochino's, ralph's...
Color - green, pink
Movie - LOTR, star wars', Harry Potters'
Singer - hm.. Norah Jones, Eric Clapton...
Word- choyh.. mngok.. ape lg eh
Junk food - chachos
Website - ntah.. OUM, mespes, ape lg eh
Lotion - aku takde lotion, ade body butter je, body shop pnyer.. peach. tu pon jarang pakai
Animal - hamster, kucing
Ever cried over someone - yerp
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - my body
Your biggest fear - losing
Do you think you're attractive - not really
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - ntah la..
Do you play any sports - volleyball, netball.. tp tu time skolah la
The rules:- link to your tagger and post these rules.-
list (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people
1. mase form 1 &2, berat aku 45kg je.. kurus kan? skrg.. toksah ckp la..
2. ni kali kedua aku di tag untuk benda y sama. Mula2 si LindoshSlebet tu tag.. ni Reen plak.
3. kalau ade duit, aku prefer melancong dr shopping. Aku bukan pandai sgt shopping. Nnt aku beli ngarut2 je.
4. aku tak suke org cancel plan last minute atas alasan yang tak sepatutnya atau reasons ang klakar2. Rase nk sepak je.
5. aku sangat tak suke guna touch pad kat laptop ni. Mesti nk cucuk mouse jugak.
6. dpt tempat ketiga slps KISAS dlm pidato piala di raja mase aku form 5. KISAS tu sekolah asrama peboh ok, aku sekolah picisan je. Budak no1 tu mmg gile tere, aku ingat lagi nama dia Mega Nopija Khalidi.
7. aku ni bongsu tak jadi *hehehehe* umo dah 9 tahun baru dpt adik. gap umo antara aku dgn abg2 n kakak aku rapat2, tp aku dgn adik bawah aku je 9 tahun. Antara adik aku tu dgn adik2 bawah dia pun rapat2. Kira mcm ada fasa la dlm adik beradik aku.
8. Aku ni jenis yang senang nk forgive and forget. Aku tak suke take things personal sgt. Tapi kalau aku dah sakit hati tahap max, mmg aku takkan forget (seumur hidup aku baru 1-2 kali je jadik)
I would like to tag
(aku ade byk pilihan ke? Mcm tak byk je)
adeh... sape2 la... sbb aku pon dah 2 kali buat tag ni. Hm.. aidil ke.. hummy ke.. chacha ke.. dayana ke.. fynn ke (kalo die bace la)... sape2 la...
Tanpa Kasih
Gerimis berbisik lirih
dalam heningan dinihari
kabus yang merebut jiwa
ditemani pagi
yang bermula dari hatinya
mati tidak lagi bernyawa
Seperti angin yang ...
1 hour ago
weh.. ada tag baru utk ko. 2 tag yew! buat okek :P
yu tag ai ke siti
ai br bwat tag neh from tipah.
kalo ade tag br jgn segan silu tag ai okeh.
wahhh...byknye tag ko buat sekali harung...
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