As u guys read before, entry on me joining the netball game, 3km walk and tug-of-war, now is the time of the year for us, the athletes involved to enjoy the annual dinner. The theme of the dinner this year is Returns of The Camelot (if i'm not mistaken. ke Nights of Camelot eh? haha)
Two of Affin's staff had dressed up according to theme, and miss rina had won the second place for the best dress. yeay!! very sexy u.
I, dress up biase2 je for the event. Nothing much. The event was ok je, prefered last two years where we have Azwan Ali as host and Afdlin Shauki as one of the entertainer guest. I guess MIBA is running out of budget this time. haha. The door gift is only 2 food container, not the tupperware brand. Usually we'll get at least embroidered towels or sumthing. *sigh* The ticket is still sold at rm280 per pax (luckily the Bank pay for us, the athletes). I expect more from MIBA. adeh la.
Pak Lah is one of the honourable guest, and Jean too.. and Zetty Akhtar. Pak Lah speech was nice. It is very untypical to see bankers strolling around wearing trojan, Lords and duchesses dress around u see. hahahaha.
Hm.. i dun snap much, just a few shots (this time, it's really a few shots. And hey, i got myself shot too, with Lola. hehehe.