Friday, September 19, 2008

bday girl

today is my bday.

i've started to feel like having gastrict since yesterday, and now right after sahur, i feel like vomitting... the way gastrict always treat me.

and the fluorescent bulb above my head in my room had started 'disco'ing.

What a day... Happy Birthday Siti.

*i dun have a wish list this year. I dun find a point of having them since it's usually useless.


MK said...

epi birthday!!!

hUmmY said...

happy birthday ct!


Ekin Ibrahim said...

selamat hari lahir yang ke - 26 Cik Siti huhuhuhu nasib baik wa on t ime!!!...

shuwen said...

hepi besda cik siti.. sori umah line tenet cam kambeng..opis lak sevr nyer down...abih satu opis melangut x buat keje...