we'd had our buka puasa here yesterday.

I'm delivering Showen's wedding album. She seems happy. I hope she'll be really satisfied with my job, and recommend me to others. hehehehe.

the appetizer (actually, the pasta q was sooooo long. i decided to get myself some potato salad and caesar salad first)

drinks anyone?

the pasta ala alfredo. hahaha. boleh la...

oh.. and it's showen's bday as well. Happy Birthday wen!!
How i rate the food? the portugese fish is nice.. lamb kurma also. overall... i can say 7.5 out of 10 la. hehe. goin there again this coming 26th dgn bdk2 opis. hehehehhee.
i still have no plan for this coming friday. balik awal tdo je kot. hmmm...
ermmmm i had fun. aku kene teruk! serius teruk...malu sey naik pentas!! anyway thanks for joining...!!
uh sedapnye.cemut buka posa salumkn nasi je haha.selera pantai timur tol.
wah mesti ur customer puas ati kan ngan shoot tuh
Best tu, makan kat sana...
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